More than 150 addresses of companies that repair your appliances or objects
Repair & Share is a platform on which you can currently find about 150 addresses of companies that repair your devices or objects, as well as information on where products can be borrowed.
The platform is coordinated by the SuperDrecksKëscht®. The partners are the environmental administration, the Chamber of Crafts, the Chamber of Commerce, the INDR, as well as Ecotrel asbl and Oekozenter Pafendall.
You – the individual – search for the right company on the website and get in contact directly.
No, repair&share does not offer the service itself. It only identifies companies and shares their information via this platform.
No, the customer is responsible for any costs arising.
No, you take your item to the respective company yourself and collect it again from there.
Zone Industrielle Piret
L-7737 Colmar-Berg
Tél : 488 216 – 1