
As an alternative to a professional, you can try to repair minor damage yourself.

“Repair & Share” offers you support with repairs.

Our recommendations for DIY help

Repair Café

Would you like to repair one of your defective appliances?
At Repair Cafe you can do this with the help of experts.


iFixit is a knowledge network created and constantly updated by over 1 millon hobbyists, technicians and volunteers. There are currently over 40,000 free manuals, over 125,000 solutions for over 11,000 devices available online.

Social ReUse

Social Reuse est un projet pilote de divers centres de recyclage. The concept of the project is that the people of Luxembourg can donate devices that are still working.
These are first diagnosed on site and reused if the test is successful.

Repair bonus of the City of Luxembourg

Citizens of the City of Luxembourg can apply for a bonus for the repairing of the following household electrical appliances.

  • washing machine
  • clothes dryer
  • fridge or fridge-freezer
  • freezer
  • dishwasher

Product guidebook with repair tips

Gutt Geschier

At “Gutt Geschier” you can hire out tools for your DIY activities free of charge.

Fix it !

Fixit! Flécken.Léinen.Notzen (Fixit! Repair. Share. Use) is the title of an initiative by the Mouvement Ecologique and Oekozenter Pafendall. The aim is to inform consumers, with background information and specific addresses, more about the topic of “Repair, ReUse, Share”.

Repair Café

Repair Cafés are volunteer-run meetings at which participants repair their non-functioning items together: small electrical devices, clothes, bicycles, toys, small items of furniture and lots more…

Anything that is damaged or non-functioning and has earned a chance of a second life is welcome.

Damaged or non-functioning items are too quickly thrown away. As soon as items show any kind of defect, we offload them and buy a new product.

Repair Cafés can change this situation! Valuable knowledge about repairs should be shared, resources saved and waste avoided.

A Repair Café is also a place to meet people and exchange ideas. Sitting with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake and chatting to other people from your neighbourhood is as important to us as the repair itself: It’s where tips are swapped and new projects are sparked and where we can enjoy each other’s company!

But you don’t know exactly how it works?

With our new free offer, we are supporting councils, organisations, associations or other groups to organise their own Repair Cafés.

  • We set up an information evening with you.
  • We give you a toolkit with plenty of useful tips and templates
  • We offer interactive and informative training courses for the group organising the respective Repair Café.

This will help establish “Repair Café Communities” throughout Luxemburg who can organise regular Repair Cafés independently.

For more information and to get in touch: Stresses that the necessary safety standards and measures must always be observed for all works.
This is particularly true in the case of electrical or fire equipment. In case of uncertainty or lack of experience, a specialist should be consulted or called.
The information provided (links) is for general information purposes only and does not replace individual advice in individual cases.